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  • Українською
Updated information on the requirements for entering Ukraine from August 5, 2021
03 August 2021 06:13

Upon entry to Ukraine foreigners are required to present the documents in English as follows:

1. An insurance policy that covers COVID-19 treatment and observation costs for the period of stay in Ukraine. The policy should be issued by the insurance company registered in Ukraine or a foreign insurance company with representative office in Ukraine;

2. A negative result of COVID-19 PCR test (polymerase chain reaction), taken not more than 72 hours before crossing the state border


Certificate of competition of full course of vaccination using vaccines permitted by World  Health Organization for emergency use.

In the absence of the afore-mentioned documents, a foreigner (except persons under the age of 18 and other categories  defined by the Resolution №787 from 28.07.2021) installs the mobile application "Дій вдома" and is obliged to begin self-isolation after 72 hours in case of receiving a possitive result for COVID-19 by PCR or rapid testing for coronovirus antigen SARS-CoV-2, made within 72 hours after crossing the boarder. 

It is prohibited for foreigners and stateless persons who are subject to self-isolation to cross the state border to enter Ukraine without an installed and activated mobile application. In case of inability to install the mobile application or refusal to do so an authorized official shall deny foreigner to cross the state border, as prescribed by Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine “On Border Control”. 

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